
How to File Form 8038-CP Electronically

  • Provide details for all bonds issued by the reporting authority, including the CUSIP number, interest payment frequency, and any other relevant information.

  • After entering the necessary bond information, proceed to fill out Form 8038-CP with the required details.

  • Review the Form 8038-CP summary, make any necessary edits, and transmit the form to the IRS.

Enter the Bond Information
Complete Form 8038-CP
Review and Transmit Form 8038-CP

Ready to E-file Form 8038-CP?

A Comprehensive Solution to Manage Tax-Exempt Bonds and 8038-CP Filings

We offer two different services to help you manage tax-exempt bonds and e-file 8038-CP returns efficiently.

Tax-Exempt Bonds Manager

Quick E-file Form 8038-CP

Information Required to File Form 8038-CP Online

File Form 8038-CP Online

In order to request credit payment using Form 8038-CP, you’ll need the following information available,

  • Reporting Authority - This refers to the entity that issued the
    bond (issuer).
  • Entity that Receives Payment - This refers to the entity that is to receive the credit payment for the bond. This can be the same as the
    reporting authority.
  • Bond Issue - Details such as the name of issue, type of bond, CUSIP number, etc.
  • Credit Payment - Information regarding the interest payment date, requested credit amount, etc.

Ready to File Form 8038-CP?

Our Exclusive Features that Ensure Efficient E-filing of 8038-CP

Staff Management

Staff Management

Invite your team members, assign roles, and let them take care of your 8038-CP filings.

Client Management

Client Management

Provide a secure portal for your clients where they can review and approve
8038-CP returns

Free 8038-CP Schedule A

Free 8038-CP Schedule A

Based on the type of bond, our software will automatically include Schedule A for free

Internal Audit Check

Internal Audit Check

Our system validates your 8038-CP based on the IRS Business Rules and
catches any errors.

E-Signing Options

E-Signing Options

Have your 8038-CP returns e-signed conveniently by your clients using
8453-TE or 8879-TE.

Dedicated Customer Support

Seamless Customer Support

If you have any queries during the filing, you can contact our support team via live chat, phone & email.

Ready to claim credit payments for your bonds?

Frequently Asked Questions About Form 8038-CP

What is Form 8038-CP?

Form 8038-CP is an IRS form that can be used by the issuers of certain tax-exempt bonds to request tax credits for the interest payments they make on those bonds.

Who must file Form 8038-CP?

Generally, Form 8038-CP is filed by the entities that issued qualified tax-exempt bonds during the period 2009 - 2010. This includes

  • State or local governmental entities
  • Entities that are authorized by the governmental entities to issue bonds
  • Certain nonprofits and other qualifying entities

What are the qualified tax-exempt bonds?

Here are the bonds that are eligible for claims using 8038-CP:

  • Build America Bonds (BAB)
  • New Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (NCREB)
  • Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECB)
  • Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (QZAB)
  • Qualified School Construction Bonds (QSCB)
  • Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds (RZEDB)

When is the due date for filing Form 8038-CP?

The due date for filing Form 8038-CP varies based on the interest rate of the bond issued.

  • For Fixed rate bonds - 8038-CP must be filed before 45 days from the interest payment date but no earlier than 90 days.
  • For variable rate bonds - The deadline depends on whether or not the issuer knows the interest payment amount before 45 days from the interest payment date.
  • If the amount is known before 45 days, the deadline will be the same as the fixed-rate bonds.
  • If the amount is unknown, the issuer must collate all the interest payments made within a quarter and file an 8038-CP return within 45 days from the last interest payment date of the quarter.

Not sure when to file Form 8038-CP? Use our Due Date Finder

Are there any additional filing requirements for Form 8038-CP?

Yes! Based on the type of bond, you may be required to attach Schedule A. Generally, Schedule A is required for the following bonds,

  • New Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (NCREB)
  • Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECB)
  • Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (QZAB)
  • Qualified School Construction Bonds (QSCB)

Can I Paper File Form 8038-CP?

Starting in 2024, the IRS mandates that you e-file your 8038-CP returns if you are filing more than 10 tax returns for the respective tax year.

If you are submitting the paper copies of Form 8038-CP, you can complete and mail the form to the following address:

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service Center
Ogden, UT 84201-0050